Flood Relief

Angus flood relief system to remove with large volumes of water.

At a time when flooding appears to be an ever increasing factor in large parts of the world with the resultant devastating impact it can have on life and property, the ability to quickly and effectively move large volumes of water in response to such a disaster is becoming more and more essential.

The Angus Flood Relief package is a fully integrated system capable of pumping large volumes of water over considerable distances – away from infrastructures & residential areas.

A single system can pump up to 19,000 litres of water over a distance of 8km (utilising a single line of Angus 12” Super Aquaduct hose)

System components: Satellite and Boosting pumping systems, Hose deployment and Retrieval systems, XLD lay flat hose technologies & accessories (dividing manifolds etc).  Follow the link to see the products on offer Flood Relief Equipment

Super Aquaduct is widely used in this application. 

Industrial Hose

Flood Relief Equipment